Instructions for Presentations

Video Conferencing

The online working platform for ICAMHSETM-2023  Conference is Zoom meeting. Zoom is one of the convenient tool for presentation, sharing & discussion from remote location.

Steps for Video Conferencing:

  1. Download Zoom Meeting App ( Laotop/ PC/Tablet/ Smart Phone)

  2. Create (Sign-Up) a Zoom Account.(

  3. Our organizing team will share an invitation link to join Zoom meeting. 

  4. We will share Meeting ID and Password.

  5. Check your audio & camera and network connectivity set up before joining the zoom meeting. 

  6. Send your presentation slides (PPT) via e mail at least one day before the conference.


N.B 1: Maximum Time Limit for Presentation: 10 Minutes


N.B 2: During paper presentation, keep on audio & video both.